Greetings! I’m Sarah Liberman, and this is my capstone project for the Master’s degree in Library and Information Science (MLIS) from the San José State University School of Information (iSchool). I have passed all degree requirements, and graduated in December 2016.
If you ever get lost, access the Welcome link in the navigation menu at the top, and you will return to this page. To orient yourself, this website consists of the following sections.
- Introduction: How I developed my ePortfolio
- Professional Philosophy: What librarianship means to me
- Competency A: Ethics, values, and intellectual freedom
- Competency B: LIS organizations and environments
- Competency C: Diversity in our audiences and staff
- Competency D: Planning, management, marketing, and advocacy
- Competency E: Information retrieval systems
- Competency F: Collection management
- Competency G: Information organization standards and methods
- Competency H: Information and communication technologies
- Competency I: Reference services and resources
- Competency J: Information seeking and user experience
- Competency K: Literacy and instruction
- Competency L: Research methods
- Competency M: Communication and presentation skills
- Competency N: Measurement and evaluation of services
- Conclusion & Affirmation: Reflection, wrap-up, and statement of academic integrity
Note: The content herein is password protected, except for this page. To access this site, including RSS subscriptions, please contact me (library at iwaruna dot com) for a password.