News & organizations to follow
Last modified 16 February 2018.
Librarians and LIS institutions are at the center of fair use and copyright! Here are additional resources to help you keep on top of this fast-moving field.
News to follow: blogs & columns
Copy-Me seeks to “debunk the myths of copying and copyright” through a webseries of videos.
Creative Commons annual report, State of the Commons, measures CC and public domain usage.
Dear Rich: An Intellectual Property Blog follows the insight and advice of the well-known attorney and educator.
Kevin L. Smith’s articles on Library Journal offer thoughtful perspectives on copyright in libraries.
Follow Duke’s Public Domain Center on Twitter for the latest news around the world and in the US.
Mary Minow, IP lawyer, former librarian and instructor at the San José State University MLIS program, writes at the LibraryLaw blog as well as the Stanford University Libraries’ Fairly Used blog.
QuestionCopyright (more under Advocacy organizations) posts copyright news on their website and via Twitter.
Readers’ Bill of Rights are a group of activists and librarians against DRM on Twitter.
Academic resources
Copyright Advisory Office at Columbia University Libraries includes advice and articles on how intellectual property affects academia.
Copyright & Fair Use by the Stanford University Libraries is one of the foremost sites containing tools, readable introductions and policy descriptions, permissions tips, and research in the field
CyberLaw: Center for Internet & Society at Stanford Law School broadly covers policies on the Internet and emerging technologies (intellectual freedom, privacy, and intellectual property).
Open Culture offers a vast array of free cultural (especially arts and humanities) resources for education and research.
Scholarly Communications @ Duke is blog with advice and news regarding copyright and publishing, from the Duke University Libraries.
Advocacy organizations
Remember to read the article on open access as a copyright alternative!
ALA District Dispatch covers federal activity regarding copyright, and other ALA lobbying efforts.
American Foundation for the Blind (AFB), like NFB, is another non-profit that supports people with vision impairments as well as works on public policy that promotes equal rights and access.
Defective by Design, part of the Free Software Foundation, is one of the biggest and earliest non-profit organizations to work towards eliminating “DRM as a threat to innovation in media, the privacy of readers, and freedom for computer users.” Loads resources on DRM-free media, policy work, as well as open source and open access projects.
Digital Right to Repair promotes consumers’ rights to fix the goods they purchase, including jailbreaking.
EveryLibrary is a national organization that supports political action, from local up to federal levels, that promote and expand library services — including bonds, tax bills, and related election movements.
National Federation of the Blind (NFB) has been a foremost not-for-profit advocate for making Kindle content accessible to all. They are also quite active in legislative and regulatory areas regarding universal access for persons with disabilities.
Public Knowledge works towards open access for the Internet, licensing, and telecommunications. It’s one of the largest public interest groups advocating copyright reform, net neutrality, patent reform, and so forth.
The Re:Create Coalition is a group of organizations and individuals that provide tips and news regarding a more balanced approach to copyright. Re:Create also produces a podcast and infographics to help educate and inform creators, librarians, educators, and consumers.
QuestionCopyright is a non-profit that promotes the education and expansion of open distribution for cultural enrichment
Readers’ Bill of Rights for Digital Books (Twitter) is supported by librarians and advocates against DRM.
Readers First advocates better ebook access and user experience for libraries and their patrons.
News & organizations to follow by Sarah Liberman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.